Why does laser cutting produce burrs?

The reasons for burrs in laser cutting can be attributed to multiple aspects, mainly including equipment parameter settings, auxiliary gas use, material properties, and equipment status. The following is a specific analysis of these reasons:

1. Improper equipment parameter settings

Laser focus position offset:

The laser focus position is inaccurate, resulting in the failure to effectively concentrate the energy on the workpiece, so that the slag generated during the cutting process cannot be effectively blown away, thus forming burrs on the cutting surface.

Solution: Test the laser beam focus and adjust the position of the laser beam focus according to the offset to ensure that the energy can be accurately focused on the workpiece.

Inappropriate cutting speed:

Both too fast and too slow cutting speeds may cause burrs. When the speed is too fast, the surface of the material may be cut off before it is completely melted, forming burrs; when the speed is too slow, the quality of the cutting surface may be damaged and burrs may be generated.

Solution: Adjust the cutting speed to a suitable range according to the material properties and cutting requirements.

Insufficient output power:

When the output power of the laser cutting machine is insufficient, the metal cannot be effectively vaporized, resulting in the generation of residues and burrs.

Solution: Check whether the output power of the laser cutting machine is normal. If it is insufficient, the equipment should be adjusted or replaced in time.

2. Improper use of auxiliary gas

Gas purity is not enough:

The purity of auxiliary gas has a great impact on cutting quality. If the gas purity is not enough, it will not be able to effectively blow away the slag and smoke generated during the cutting process, resulting in burrs.

Solution: Use high-purity auxiliary gas and ensure that the gas pressure is moderate.

Insufficient gas pressure:

When the gas pressure is insufficient, the slag and smoke cannot be effectively blown away, thereby increasing the generation of burrs.

Solution: Check whether the gas pressure is sufficient. If it is insufficient, it should be adjusted in time.

3. Influence of material properties

Uneven material surface:

If there are uneven conditions such as convexities or concave conditions on the material surface, the laser may be disturbed during cutting, resulting in uneven energy distribution and burrs.

Solution: Pre-treat the material before cutting, such as grinding and leveling, to reduce the impact of unevenness on cutting quality.

Difference in material thermal conductivity:

Different materials have different thermal conductivities, and their absorption and conduction of laser energy are also different. This may lead to uneven energy distribution during cutting and burrs.

Solution: Adjust cutting parameters such as laser power and cutting speed according to the thermal conductivity characteristics of the material.

4. Poor equipment condition

Equipment aging or damage:

Laser cutting machines may age or become damaged after long-term use, such as optical component contamination, nozzle clogging, etc., which will affect the cutting quality and produce burrs.

Solution: Regularly maintain and service the equipment, and replace aging or damaged parts in time.

Equipment instability:

After long-term continuous operation, the equipment may become unstable, such as laser beam jitter, which will also cause burrs.

Solution: Reasonably arrange the working time of the equipment to avoid long-term continuous operation; stop the equipment in time for inspection and treatment when the equipment becomes unstable.

Post time: Sep-12-2024
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