Laser Beam Adjustment Guides for YAG mold welding machine
1. Inside Laser Cavity photo .

2. Turn on the Red light (5). Adjust the red Point to the Center of Beam Expander (1) . you can adjust the Rotating button to complete this step

3. Place a white paper between the Back Mirror and Laser Chamber to check the Back mirror reflect the Red point whether at the same point with Red light as below show . If not , please adjust the rotating buttons (1-3) of Back mirror to adjust it into same red point .. . It done please go to next step.

4. Place white paper between Front Mirror and Beam Expander to check the reflective red light whether is same point with the Red light as below photo show . If not , please adjust the Rotating Buttons on the Front Mirror then you will see the Red point will moving and cover the Red light point .
(Attn: Reflective Red point maybe around the laser chamber , please adjust the Rotating Button of Front mirror and adjust it into laser chamber )

5. Finished above steps, Right now you need to start the laser source as follow steps.
1: Turn on Water Cooling System (please waiting few minutes for the Setting Temperature becoming same with your locals)

2: Press Confirm On (wait few minutes for NeedProg)

3: Please set Start A (A) =100, Width (MS)= 0.3, Freq (Hz)= 10 then Press Send. you will see this show as below and that is mean the laser source was started now .

4: (from this step please pay more attention and carefully, because the machine with Electrical current. Dangerous !!) Put Ceramic Sheet between Beam Expander and Front Mirror and make the Rough Side toward the laser chamber

5: Push Footswitch and output the laser beam .you will see a Green Point on The Ceramic Sheet . At the beginning time , The green point maybe is not round and biggest . you need try fine-tuning the Rotating Buttons on Front Mirror and Back Mirror ( you can try fine tuning left button of front and back mirror ,the for right side will be more easy to reach at good effects)you will see the green point becoming round and biggest that will be done .
Attn: If can not see the Green Point, Add Start A (A) =150 or 200 , Width (Ms)= 0.3-0.5, Freq (Hz)= 10 or more, the aim you need see the green point and adjust it into round and biggest, brightness.
Whatever you add how much parameters and you can not see the green point .please repeat 2.3.4 step again .

6: Place The Ceramic Sheet before the Beam Expander to check the Red light point with the Green Point completed cover or same point Then the laser beam adjustment finished .
Attn : you have to fine tuning the Front and Back mirrors Rotating buttons if the Red and Green point not the same condition .This step same with Step 4.

7: Install the Cover to laser Cavity and start the cutting works again
Post time: Aug-22-2024